Money Can’t Buy Happiness, But Financial Power can.
Improving your personal finances, gaining control over where your money goes, has a dramatic impact on the rest of your life. Money flows in and out of our lives – it is perhaps one of the strongest tangible manifestations of energy. When you control that flow you become powerful. When you plan where your money will go, rather than react in the moment, your priorities become exceptionally clear.
When it comes to money, clarity is power.
A Little Bit of Psychology, A Whole Lot of Practicality
Many of us live in what I like to call a "money fog". We spend what we make, maybe saving a little, or in some cases, we spend what we make plus borrow some more. It’s usually just a habit. We kind of know how much money we spend. We even kind of know how much money we make. (I am often surprised at how many people don’t know precisely how much they make!) We react instead of choose. A bill comes in and we pay it. Thats what we are supposed to do, right? Well, yes, sort of. But we have become unconscious of the fact that we’ve allowed circumstances to dictate to us where our money goes and how it comes in.
Once we become conscious we begin to see and enjoy choosing better places to put it.
This is not about deprivation.
I never tell people what they can and cannot have. I don’t have to. Very soon into our work together the clarity that they gain allows them to make their own choices. Sometimes you are going to choose the Prada shoes. Sometimes you are going to choose the retirement account. And sometimes you are going to choose the hospital bill, a home repair or something else you simply didn’t plan for.
Knowing that you have the power to make these choices will change your life.